29 June 2018

BigBang 0.2.0 Tulip Revolution Released!

BigBang, a social measurement software project incubated at Glass Bead Labs, today had its 0.2.0 release. Among other maintenance features, the new release includes tools for estimated the gender of mailing list participants.

Since being incubated in Glass Bead Labs, BigBang has moved to DATACTIVE infrastructure. It is currently used mainly to study Internet Governance, such as the communications of the Internet Engineering Task Force.

24 October 2016

Philosophy of computational social science

Sebastian Benthall’s most recent paper, “Philosophy of Computational Social Science”, has been published in the special issue of Cosmos and History, Foundations of Mind III: Homage to Walter Freeman III.

This paper takes a step back from the empirical work of social measurement to look at the philosophical foundations of computational social science. It argues that the role of computational statistics in social science is defined by intersubjectively verifiable logic, and that this is what gives it its power.

What is a paper about philsoophy of social science doing in conference proceedings dedicated to the esoteric field of consciousness studies?

That’s a good question. One could pose it another way: what is the relationship between logic and consciousness?

28 June 2016

Dr. Clark has joined KKI full-time

Building on our successful ramp-up of a taiji program for kids with an ADHD diagnosis, Dav has moved to Baltimore to work on mindfulness and movement interventions for kids with developmental challenges full time! He will be based in the Center for Neurodevelopmental and Imaging Research (CNIR). Stay tuned for more.

22 December 2015

An article in the top 100!

Dr. Clark’s paper on Mindful Movement and Skilled Attention was among the top 100 most viewed articles in Frontiers for 2015! Views were counted for the first month, amongst a set of over 12,500 articles.

26 March 2015

Check out our new logo!

Check out the minimalist representation of a glass bead that we have chosen for our new logo.

What is a glass bead?

A glass bead is a playing piece in the game of scholarly ideas.

A glass bead is a lens that reflects the whole world around it in 360 degrees and every dimension.

A glass bead is a crystal ball through which one can read the future.

A glass bead adorns each vertex of the net which joins us to each other.

At Glass Bead Labs, our research products are glass beads.

11 December 2014

Open Science with R and Git

Dav Clark will be presenting a short training at the BITSS Research Transparency Forum on using git and Rmarkdown with RStudio for an easy-to-understand open science workflow. Materials are available on github. Pull requests welcome!

10 December 2014

Data Rights and Data Wrongs

Dav Clark will be part of a panel on data ownership and responsibilities at the Data Rights and Data Wrongs workshop at ICIS at UC Davis.

01 November 2014

Movement approaches to Mindfulness at ISCS 2014

Dav Clark will be presenting Training Inhibition with Tai Chi: a Feldenkraisian Intervention at ICSC 2014. Notes from this talk will be available here.

09 October 2014

Mobile Science at Data on the Mind

Dav Clark will be presenting A Brief Tour of Data Collection with Mobile Devices at the UC Berkeley Data on the Mind workshop.

06 October 2014

The first taiji class was a success!

The team at Kennedy Kreiger Institute has successfully run the first taiji class as part of the NIMH-funded Movement-Based Mindfulness Training for Children with ADHD: A Feasibility Study!

This was one of the key moments in the study – would the kids actually take to the class? I’m happy to report that the kids were highly engaged, and the parents even got a chance to observe. In just 4 weeks, we’ll start our midpoint assessments and get our first sense of what effects the training might be having. Stay tuned!